This plot allows to explore the performance of the peak detection across all the samples, by summarizing how many peaks are detected on each sample at each chemical shift range.

  ppm_breaks = pretty(range(peak_data$ppm), n = 20),
  accepted_only = TRUE



The output of nmr_detect_peaks()


A numeric vector with the breaks that will be used to count the number of the detected peaks.


If peak_data contains a logical column named accepted, only those with accepted=TRUE will be counted.


A scatter plot, with samples on one axis and chemical shift bins in the other axis. The size of each dot represents the number of peaks found on a sample within a chemical shift range.


You can use this plot to find differences in the number of detected peaks across your dataset, and then use nmr_detect_peaks_plot() to have a finer look at specific samples and chemical shifts, and assess graphically that the peak detection results that you have are correct.